Lab Members
Lily Shapiro
Ms Biogeography of Micrathena
Agnarsson Lab
Department of Biology University of Vermont
Email: [email protected]
Agnarsson Lab
Department of Biology University of Vermont
Email: [email protected]
Current undergraduate Heros (aka researchers)
Lauren Polk (2020-2022) - Eustala biogeography
Alina Chiccarine (2020-2022) - Eustala biogeography/taxonomy
Joe Warren (2020-2022) - Eustala biogeography/taxonomy
Lauren Polk (2020-2022) - Eustala biogeography
Alina Chiccarine (2020-2022) - Eustala biogeography/taxonomy
Joe Warren (2020-2022) - Eustala biogeography/taxonomy
Dr. Lisa Chamberland
Postdoctoral fellow - UC Davies
Bond Lab Email: [email protected] Lisa graduated from the Agnarsson in 2019, after completing work on the biogeography of arachnids in the Caribbean, focusing on Deinopis (Ogre-faced spiders) and Gasteracantha (Spiny orbweavers). |
Chamberland L, McHugh A, Kechejian S, Binford GJ, Bond J, Coddington JA, Dolman G, Hamilton C, Harvey MS, Kuntner M, Agnarsson I. 2018. From Gondwana to GAARlandia: global biogeography of ogre-faced spiders (Deinopidae) mirrors geologic history. Journal of Biogeography 45: 2442-2457
Chamberland L, McHugh A, Kechejian S, Binford GJ, Bond J, Coddington JA, Dolman G, Hamilton C, Harvey MS, Kuntner M, Agnarsson I. 2018. From Gondwana to GAARlandia: global biogeography of ogre-faced spiders (Deinopidae) mirrors geologic history. Journal of Biogeography 45: 2442-2457

Dr. Federico Lopez-Osorio
PhD 2016 from UVM
Email: [email protected]
Current: American Museum of Natural History, postdoctoral researcher
Research Interests
My general research interests are Phylogenetics and trait evolution. My dissertation research is focused on elucidating the evolutionary relationships within the subfamily Vespinae (hornets and yellow jackets) using molecular and morphological characters. Furthermore, I investigate the evolution and behavioral traits within Vespinae using phylogenetic comparative methods. More recently, I have begun working on diversification patterns and biogeography of Caribbean spiders
Perrarda A, Lopez-Osorio F, Carpenter JM. 2016. Phylogeny, landmark analysis and the use of wing venation to study the evolution of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae). Cladistics early view.
Lopez-Osorio F, Perrard A, Pickett KM, Carpenter JM, Agnarsson I. 2015. Phylogenetic tests reject Emery’s rule in the evolution of social parasitism in yellowjackets and hornets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Vespinae). Royal Society Open Science 2, 150159
Lopez-Osorio F, Pickett KM, Carpenter JM, Ballif BA, Agnarsson I. 2014. Phylogenetic relationships of yellowjackets inferred from nine loci (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Vespinae, Vespula and Dolichovespula). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 73: 190-201
PhD 2016 from UVM
Email: [email protected]
Current: American Museum of Natural History, postdoctoral researcher
Research Interests
My general research interests are Phylogenetics and trait evolution. My dissertation research is focused on elucidating the evolutionary relationships within the subfamily Vespinae (hornets and yellow jackets) using molecular and morphological characters. Furthermore, I investigate the evolution and behavioral traits within Vespinae using phylogenetic comparative methods. More recently, I have begun working on diversification patterns and biogeography of Caribbean spiders
Perrarda A, Lopez-Osorio F, Carpenter JM. 2016. Phylogeny, landmark analysis and the use of wing venation to study the evolution of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae). Cladistics early view.
Lopez-Osorio F, Perrard A, Pickett KM, Carpenter JM, Agnarsson I. 2015. Phylogenetic tests reject Emery’s rule in the evolution of social parasitism in yellowjackets and hornets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Vespinae). Royal Society Open Science 2, 150159
Lopez-Osorio F, Pickett KM, Carpenter JM, Ballif BA, Agnarsson I. 2014. Phylogenetic relationships of yellowjackets inferred from nine loci (Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Vespinae, Vespula and Dolichovespula). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 73: 190-201
Dr. Sohath Zamira Yusseff Vanegas

Email: [email protected]
My research primary focus is the Forensic sciences. Since grade school I have been fascinated with reading books about research, forensic sciences and CSI. This hunger for science made Biology my passion. Collecting insects in the field, knowing their behavior, looking at their habitat and the hours spent under the microscope (while describing, drawing and identifying them in the lab) was the perfect combination of what I am today; a Forensic Entomologist.
I have been involved in Forensic Entomology since 2002, working with the Order Diptera, primarily with members of the Calliphoridae family (commonly known as blow flies). Recently I started working in Dr. Agnarsson’s research lab, where our effort will be the identification of the insects involved in the cadaveric decomposition in Puerto Rico and throughout the Caribbean. Our research will study the taxonomy, distribution, phylogeny, systematics and biogeography of the Calliphoridae in the West Indies, filling the gasps that exists today regarding this group in the Caribbean. In addition our goal will be to understand the importance of these organisms and the role they play, or could potentially play, in the field of Forensic Sciences.
Other interests: I like working with insect’s collections, museum and curator related activities. Also I enjoy photography, drawing, and reading.
Yusseff-Vanegas S, Agnarsson I. 2017. DNA-barcoding of forensically important blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in the Caribbean Region. PeerJ 5:e3516
Yusseff-Vanegas S, Agnarsson I. 2016. Molecular phylogeny of the forensically important genus Cochliomyia (Diptera: Calliphoridae). ZooKeys 609: 107-120
Yusseff-Vanegas, S. 2014 Description of Third Instars ofCochliomyia minima (Diptera: Calliphoridae) From West Indies, and Updated Identification Key. Journal of Medical Entomology 51: 1051-1056
García-Espinoza F, Martínez MT, Sánchez FJ, Yusseff-Vanegas SZ. 2012. Desarrollo larval y requerimientos calóricos de Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) durante primavera y verano en Torreón, Coahuila. Acta Zoológica Mexicana 28 (1)
Franz, N. M. & S. Z. Yusseff Vanegas. 2009. The University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez insect collection - then and now. Entomological News 120: 401-408
Yusseff, S. Z. 2007. Efectos de la temperatura sobre el desarrollo de Chrysomya rufifacies y Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae), dos especies importantes para la entomología forense en Puerto Rico.
Tesis M. S. Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, P.R. 86 pp.
Yusseff, S. Z. 2006. Entomología Forense: Los Insectos en la escena del Crimen. Revista Luna Azul. Manizales,2006-11-16(Rev.2007-01-10).
Yusseff, S. Z. y M. del C. Daza. 2003. Caracterización de la entomofauna asociada a la descomposición cadavérica empleando como biomodelo el cerdo (Sus scrofa) en el municipio de Tunja. Tesis de Pregrado Biología. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Tunja. Colombia. 141 pp
M. Sc. Anne McHugh

M. Sc. 2014 from UVM
Email: [email protected]
Current: M.A.T., Middle and High School Biology and General Science, University of Portland, Portland, OR (2016)
Email: [email protected]
Current: M.A.T., Middle and High School Biology and General Science, University of Portland, Portland, OR (2016)
Research Interests
I love evolutionary history and thinking about the complexities of relationships over time. I especially enjoy the study of evolutionary history when it is applied to questions of biogeography, biodiversity and conservation. To better understand these large fields, I utilize the phylogenetic relationships of arthropod taxa ranging from spiders such as Micrathena, Gasteracantha, and Deinopis to butterflies such as Speyeria.
Shapiro L, Binford G, Agnarsson I. 2022. Single island endemism despite repeated dispersal in Caribbbean Micrathena (Araneae: Araneidae): an updated phylogeographic analysis. Diversity 14: 128.
Cala-Riquelme F, Wiencek P, Flores-Daza E, Binford G, Agnarsson I. 2022. Island-to-island vicariance, founder-event and within-area speciation, the biogeographical history of the Antillattus clade in the Caribbean (Salticidae: Euophryini). Diversity 14: 224.
Chamberland L, Agnarsson I, Quayle IL, Ruddy T, Starrett J, Bond JE. 2022. Biogeography and eye size evolution of the ogre-faced spiders. Scientific Reports 12: 17769.
Chamberland L, Binford GJ, Agnarsson I. 2020. Phylogeography of the widesread Caribbean spiny orb weaver Gasteracantha cancriformis. PeerJ 8:e8976 DOI 10.7717/peerj.8976.
Chamberland L, McHugh A, Kechejian S, Binford GJ, Bond J, Coddington JA, Dolman G, Hamilton C, Harvey MS, Kuntner M, Agnarsson I. 2018. From Gondwana to GAARlandia: global biogeography of ogre-faced spiders (Deinopidae) mirrors geologic history. Journal of Biogeography 45: 2442-2457
McHugh, A., Yablonsky, C., Binford, G., and Agnarsson, I. (2014). Molecular phylogenetics of Caribbean Micrathena (Araneae:Araneidae) suggests multiple colonization events and single island endemism. Invertebrate Systematics. 28 (4), 337-349.
Carleton, J.B., Lovell, P.V., McHugh, A., Marzulla, T., Horback, K.L., and Mello, C.V. (2014). An optimized protocol for high-throughput in situ hybridization of zebra finch brain. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2014 (12)
McHugh, A., Bierzychudek, P., Greever, C., Marzulla, T., Van Buskirk, R., and Binford, G. (2013). A molecular phylogenetic analysis of Speyeria and its implications for the management of the threatened Speyeria zerene hippolyta. Journal of Insect Conservation. 17 (6), 1237-1253.
Bierzychudek, P., Warner, K.A., McHugh, A. and Thomas, L. (2009). Testing the host-finding ability of a monophagous caterpillar in the field. Ecological Entomology. 34 (5), 632-637.
Shapiro L, Binford G, Agnarsson I. 2022. Single island endemism despite repeated dispersal in Caribbbean Micrathena (Araneae: Araneidae): an updated phylogeographic analysis. Diversity 14: 128.
Cala-Riquelme F, Wiencek P, Flores-Daza E, Binford G, Agnarsson I. 2022. Island-to-island vicariance, founder-event and within-area speciation, the biogeographical history of the Antillattus clade in the Caribbean (Salticidae: Euophryini). Diversity 14: 224.
Chamberland L, Agnarsson I, Quayle IL, Ruddy T, Starrett J, Bond JE. 2022. Biogeography and eye size evolution of the ogre-faced spiders. Scientific Reports 12: 17769.
Chamberland L, Binford GJ, Agnarsson I. 2020. Phylogeography of the widesread Caribbean spiny orb weaver Gasteracantha cancriformis. PeerJ 8:e8976 DOI 10.7717/peerj.8976.
Chamberland L, McHugh A, Kechejian S, Binford GJ, Bond J, Coddington JA, Dolman G, Hamilton C, Harvey MS, Kuntner M, Agnarsson I. 2018. From Gondwana to GAARlandia: global biogeography of ogre-faced spiders (Deinopidae) mirrors geologic history. Journal of Biogeography 45: 2442-2457
McHugh, A., Yablonsky, C., Binford, G., and Agnarsson, I. (2014). Molecular phylogenetics of Caribbean Micrathena (Araneae:Araneidae) suggests multiple colonization events and single island endemism. Invertebrate Systematics. 28 (4), 337-349.
Carleton, J.B., Lovell, P.V., McHugh, A., Marzulla, T., Horback, K.L., and Mello, C.V. (2014). An optimized protocol for high-throughput in situ hybridization of zebra finch brain. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. 2014 (12)
McHugh, A., Bierzychudek, P., Greever, C., Marzulla, T., Van Buskirk, R., and Binford, G. (2013). A molecular phylogenetic analysis of Speyeria and its implications for the management of the threatened Speyeria zerene hippolyta. Journal of Insect Conservation. 17 (6), 1237-1253.
Bierzychudek, P., Warner, K.A., McHugh, A. and Thomas, L. (2009). Testing the host-finding ability of a monophagous caterpillar in the field. Ecological Entomology. 34 (5), 632-637.
Dr. Ximena Vélez-Zuazo

PhD 2013 from UPR
Email: [email protected]
Current: Director
Marine Biodiversity Monitoring and Assessment Program (mBMAP)
Center for Conservation and Sustainability
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute | National Zoological Park
Av. Victor Andrés Belaúnde 147, Via Real 185, Torre Real Doce, Piso 2
San Isidro, Perú, Tel:++511-707.2139 Fax: ++511-707.2499
Ximena is now Director of the Marine sector of the Biodiversity and Assessment Program (BMAP) in Peru. The BMAP is a section of the Center for Conservation and Sustainability of the Smithsoniana Insitution. She is in charge of overseeing the research projects in the central coast of Peru focused on understanding the diversity and dynamics of marine species populations.
Research Interests
For my thesis I integrated phylogenetic, phylogeographic and population genetic data from sharks to help improve their conservation planning and sustainable management (for species of commercial importance). In general, my research
interests are focused on understanding the mechanisms and processes regulating the structure, functioning and evolution of marine ecosystems. I am particularly interested in investigating how marine
populations are structured over space and time and how they are connected as a result of different historical and contemporary processes. For this purpose I combine tools and analytical and
methodological approaches from different disciplines like Ecology, Population Biology, Evolution and Genetics. My main research and professional goal is to promote the integration of scientific data
with social and economic information to improve current policies (e.g. Fishing closure areas, marine protected areas, fishing seasons and bans, listing of protected species) for the conservation and
maintenance of marine ecosystems, particularly in the East Pacific.
Publications (recent)
Cornejo R, Vélez-Zuazo X, González-Pestana A, Kouri C, Mucientes G. 2015. An updated checklist of Chondrichthyes from the southeast Pacific off Peru. Check List 11 (6), 1809
Velez-Zuazo X, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Mangel, J Papa R, Agnarsson I. 2015. What barcode sequencing reveals about the shark fishery in Peru. Fisheries Research 161, 34-41
Velez-Zuazo X, Quiñones J, Pacheco A, Klinge L, Paredes E, Sixto Q et al. 2014. Fast growing, Healthy and Resident Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Two Neritic Sites in the Central and Northern Coast of Peru: Implications for Conservation. PLoS One 9 (11), e113068 5
Gonzalez-Pestana A, Kouri C, Velez-Zuazo X. 2014. Shark fisheries in the Southeast Pacific: A 61-year analysis from Peru. F1000 Research 3
Toledo-Hernández C, Vélez-Zuazo X, Ruiz-Diaz CP, Patricio AR, Mège P, et al. 2014. Population ecology and genetics of the invasive lionfish in Puerto Rico. Aquat Invasions 9, 227-237
Patricio AR, Herbst LH, Duarte A, Velez-Zuazo X, Loureiro NS, Pereira N, et al. 2012. Global phylogeography and evolution of chelonid fibropapilloma-associated herpesvirus. Journal of General Virology 93 (Pt 5), 1035-1045
Vélez-Zuazo X, Agnarsson I. 2011. Shark tales: a molecular species-level phylogeny of sharks (Selachimorpha, Chondrichthyes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 58 (2), 207-217
Patricio AR, Velez-Zuazo X, Diez CE, Van Dam R, Sabat AM. 2011. Survival probability of immature green turtles in two foraging grounds at Culebra, Puerto Rico. Marine Ecology Progress Series 440, 217-227
Email: [email protected]
Current: Director
Marine Biodiversity Monitoring and Assessment Program (mBMAP)
Center for Conservation and Sustainability
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute | National Zoological Park
Av. Victor Andrés Belaúnde 147, Via Real 185, Torre Real Doce, Piso 2
San Isidro, Perú, Tel:++511-707.2139 Fax: ++511-707.2499
Ximena is now Director of the Marine sector of the Biodiversity and Assessment Program (BMAP) in Peru. The BMAP is a section of the Center for Conservation and Sustainability of the Smithsoniana Insitution. She is in charge of overseeing the research projects in the central coast of Peru focused on understanding the diversity and dynamics of marine species populations.
Research Interests
For my thesis I integrated phylogenetic, phylogeographic and population genetic data from sharks to help improve their conservation planning and sustainable management (for species of commercial importance). In general, my research
interests are focused on understanding the mechanisms and processes regulating the structure, functioning and evolution of marine ecosystems. I am particularly interested in investigating how marine
populations are structured over space and time and how they are connected as a result of different historical and contemporary processes. For this purpose I combine tools and analytical and
methodological approaches from different disciplines like Ecology, Population Biology, Evolution and Genetics. My main research and professional goal is to promote the integration of scientific data
with social and economic information to improve current policies (e.g. Fishing closure areas, marine protected areas, fishing seasons and bans, listing of protected species) for the conservation and
maintenance of marine ecosystems, particularly in the East Pacific.
Publications (recent)
Cornejo R, Vélez-Zuazo X, González-Pestana A, Kouri C, Mucientes G. 2015. An updated checklist of Chondrichthyes from the southeast Pacific off Peru. Check List 11 (6), 1809
Velez-Zuazo X, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Mangel, J Papa R, Agnarsson I. 2015. What barcode sequencing reveals about the shark fishery in Peru. Fisheries Research 161, 34-41
Velez-Zuazo X, Quiñones J, Pacheco A, Klinge L, Paredes E, Sixto Q et al. 2014. Fast growing, Healthy and Resident Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Two Neritic Sites in the Central and Northern Coast of Peru: Implications for Conservation. PLoS One 9 (11), e113068 5
Gonzalez-Pestana A, Kouri C, Velez-Zuazo X. 2014. Shark fisheries in the Southeast Pacific: A 61-year analysis from Peru. F1000 Research 3
Toledo-Hernández C, Vélez-Zuazo X, Ruiz-Diaz CP, Patricio AR, Mège P, et al. 2014. Population ecology and genetics of the invasive lionfish in Puerto Rico. Aquat Invasions 9, 227-237
Patricio AR, Herbst LH, Duarte A, Velez-Zuazo X, Loureiro NS, Pereira N, et al. 2012. Global phylogeography and evolution of chelonid fibropapilloma-associated herpesvirus. Journal of General Virology 93 (Pt 5), 1035-1045
Vélez-Zuazo X, Agnarsson I. 2011. Shark tales: a molecular species-level phylogeny of sharks (Selachimorpha, Chondrichthyes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 58 (2), 207-217
Patricio AR, Velez-Zuazo X, Diez CE, Van Dam R, Sabat AM. 2011. Survival probability of immature green turtles in two foraging grounds at Culebra, Puerto Rico. Marine Ecology Progress Series 440, 217-227
Visiting student
Gabriel Melo Alves dos Santos (2016-2017), PhD candidate, Brazil
Gabriel Melo Alves dos Santos (2016-2017), PhD candidate, Brazil